torek, 10. oktober 2017

Mirror, mirror on the wall! (Projection - reflection)


"Mirror, mirror on the wall" - a phase from a famous Disney story, which is actually a perfect representation of today’s culture we live in. A secret that has been kept for quiet a long time now and all the artificial concepts we have accepted as the one and only true reality - to mask the darkness we have created from the beginning of our civilization.

Nevertheless, we can say that this hide and seek game was in some way necessary from a deeper level of understanding and is here to give us another lesson to realize, what is the real purpose behind the visible and known - which is expansion of the human consciousness.

 All the philosophical and spiritual traditions, from Buddhism, Hinduism, shamanism, Taoism and many more. Any individual, who’s searching for the knowledge and wish to explore the inner dimensions of human psyche, knows that there are other layers of consciousness, not just what we perceive as everyday reality. Many came to a realization that the outside world is just a reflection of an inner world, so if we want to change something outside our self, we have to look within and see what’s there in the unconscious.

 We can realize this from many angles and ways; in personal life and more impersonal worldview as well. We as humans like to project everything that is happening in our world to external circumstances, which actually don’t exist.

With a presence of the spirit we mirroring back to our self an inner world and deeper layers of consciousness and that, what is eventually manifested in the outer reality. So everything we see outside our self - good or bad, is actually a reflection - projection. And when we realize that, the blame game we play here on this planet becomes somehow funny and stupid.

 For a human ego this is definitely the most hard thing to do, because from this mind consciousness perception everything happens somewhere outside and there must be someone to blame. What we must take into consideration, is that from a larger perspective we are all one. There are no distinctions between anything we see around us. If we could just lose a grip from this thing we call our mind, which is full of prejudices, false perceptions, full of false beliefs, that we received early in our childhood.

In our CULTure we’ve become very used to avoid and to put our own inner experiences to outside mechanisms. We could say that we are dancing around the void. For the individual this could become quite significant and can be manifested on the personal level as well. All dissatisfaction we perceive around us, every disease we call upon, psychological problems and much more are just a by-product of avoidance.

 There are many processes in the subconscious mind that dictates our life and the way we function. So the only way to change something that bothers us, is to look within our self and try to face those aspects that we created and absorbed as a child, to cover up our pain. We were basically taught to suppress what should and must be expressed in a healthy way, so that we don’t create this unconscious resistance to what is happening outside.

There’s a universal law that says; As within, So without! And it’s a learning lesson to realize, that you could not deepen your knowledge of the outside world without deepening your self-knowledge!

Today we see a flood of a new age movements that put their focus solely to reveal the dark side of secret societies, hidden agendas and all the machinations from the new world order etc., which is good in a way to expose an issue to a large group of people in order to rise awareness, but what this can bring along is a trap ego likes to fall in very easily. There is an unconscious temptation to be drawn in this conspiracy theories etc. just to avoid feeling our real feelings and to be present here and now in this moment. What is being overlooked here is the existence of collective unconsciousness which is fed by our own personal denial and manifests itself in this physical reality over and over again.

The only way we can move this forward is to go within and face our own inner reality, shift the energetic patterns we have created and denied in ourselves. There really is no point to blame and to be angry at the world, because we just contributing to the pendulum swing of good and evil, which is just a polarity game, but ultimately two sides of one and the same coin!

 Is this metaphor of “Jin and Jang” - two polarities that are one. If you go too far into the white you become the black. The universe is circular. There’s a really fine line between what’s here and what is there. And what is there is always reflecting itself from the core. So don’t put your hatred anywhere outside yourself, because you can become that which you fight.

 There’s a quote from a spiritual teacher that says; Your belief in evil is the measure of your ignorance. So there is always something that we do not yet understand, something we are very unconscious about. And this will continue to manifest itself in one or the other way, until we’ll finally realize what is behind the curtain of the invisible.

Author: Luka Višnikar

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